Date of Application*
What type of membership are you interested in? Premier or General - please indicate below.
Premier Membership - $60/yr. (includes full website access, discounts on products and services, benefits, and personal email account.)
General Membership - Free with limited website access *
City/State/Zip Code*
Mobile Phone Number*
E-mail Address*
Date of Birth - month-date-year (include 4 digit year) for example (##-##-####)*
What is your denominational affiliation?*
Do you serve in ministry full-time, part-time or as a volunteer?*
What is your ministry context? (greeter/usher, chaplain, Christian educator, music and arts, worship leader, prayer warrior, pastor, judicatory staff, etc.) Please list your area(s) of responsibilities in ministry.*
Church Name , Address, City, State and Zip Code*
How did you heard about DIVAS for Christ:*
What is your marital status?
Divorced with children under 18
Married with children under 18
Separated with children under 18
Single with children under 18
What are your current self-care interests and/or needs?*
What are your self-care practices?*
What woman in the Bible do you relate to the most and why?*
Which areas are you interested in participating?
Bathesheba's Bloggers
Esther's S.P.A. Retreat
Eve's Event Planning Circle
Hagar's Self-Care Workshops
Hannah's Prayer Ministry
Lydia's Leadership Academy
Martha's Cafe' Chats
Mary's Bible Studies
Miriam's Mentorship Circle
Jael's Journaling Circle
Phoebe's Praise & Worship Circle
Rhoda's E-Newsletter
Ruth's Book Club
Women at the Well Writing Circle
Other interests: (please specify)
Are you interested in forming or leading a Divas Connect in your region?*
Upon receipt of the Premier membership fee, you may apply for a user login, password and an email account ( once their application is approved. Have you requested your login?
Have you made the online payment for your preferred membership type? Go to online donations link to complete the application process. Click below to receive a receipt of your membership application.
By submitting this application, you agree to abide by the terms of use. Please indicate the type of membership requested. *